Monday, May 2, 2011

Weddings, Festivals and Flea Markets

This weekends events included watching the royal wedding, hiking up to Walberla Fest and another flea market. It was really nice to spend time with friends, enjoy the beautiful weather and get some exercise walking around Erlangen.

Friday, as everyone knows, was the day of the Royal Wedding. A few girlfriends of mine and I had decided to watch all of the hats and tiaras with a group of English speaking expats in town. While reading an expat blog I came across an invite from a wonderful Australian woman names Moira. Her husband had no interest in watching the wedding so she decided to host a party in a 500 year old cellar beneath her jewelry shop. There was a small cover that went toward purchasing children's English books at the local library. The cover included a beautiful Mediterranean lunch, a glass of prosecco, games and a slice of wedding cake. We were also awarded gift certificates for Moira's jewelry store for making the best wedding dress out of toilette paper. Needless to say I had a wonderful time watching the wedding projected on the cellar wall and enjoying a few laughs with the girls.

Our beautiful hosts.

The starters at every table

The menu

The toilette paper brides

On Saturday we hiked up a mountain outside of Forcheim to Walberla Fest. We had a great time enjoying the sun and eating chicken legs,chocolate covered fruit, and cotton candy.

We ended up spending a lot of time relaxing in the grass and taking in the beautiful views.

On the hike down the mountain and into town we came across a few beautiful Easter displays.

On Sunday Phil and I had a great time leading worship at church. Afterwards we joined a few friends and headed to another flea market. We had attended this particular flea market last year and came across a few treasures. This year I walked away with two 1970's dresses for 3 euro.

Since it was May Day the whole town was outside enjoying the weather and attending the local festivals. Since we were not yet ready to go inside we headed back up to Erlangen to walk around the spring festival one more time. We ended the day with a scoop of gelato before heading home.

It was a great way to enjoy the last weekend in Germany before heading back to the States for awhile.

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