Friday, July 8, 2011

Cheerio, we are off to London

Our summer travel continues tonight as we board a plane to London. I had planned this trip about 6 months ago when I convinced a few friends to run the Asics British 10k. Since we have been eating our way around Europe I thought it might be wise to add some exercise. The course starts at Hyde Park and then takes us by Tower Bridge, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and ends at the House Guards. It is also part of the course that will be used for the 2012 Olympics. We are all so excited to join 25,000 other people and run on the 10th.

Once we have completed the run and spent one more day in London we will be flying to Scotland for 5 days. In order to make the most of our time we have booked guided tours throughout our time in Scotland. I am looking forward to looking into the origins of my family name and getting a look at Nessie (the loch ness monster). We then fly back to London for one more day and then home to Germany.

I will be back in 10 days with lots of pictures.


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